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Tech Tip: 2K Cartridge Times Explained

Every cartridge manufacturer provides users three important pieces of information: the working time, set time and cure time. These times mark the steps of the products’ conversion from liquid form to a solid state.

Working Time

This refers to the length of time the product will stay in liquid form after it’s dispensed. In other words, how long you have to work with the product. The bonded surfaces should be stationary with screws or clamps attached at the end of the working time.

Set Time

Set time follows the working time. This is the period of time when the product starts building strength and becomes a gummy consistency. Sometimes this is called the “clamp time” or “declamp time.” At the end of the set time, the product will be set up enough to remove screws or clamps. Note that the product is not cured and you should continue to work cautiously after removing the clamps or screws.

Cure Time

Cure time is when the product reaches its cured state. A fully cured cartridge time for most adhesives is 24 - 48 hours.

Pro Tips

It’s important to remember that most working, set and cure times are based on 70° F (21° C). If the temperature is above this benchmark the product will likely cure faster. If temperatures are below, expect the product to cure more slowly. Always consult the Technical Data Sheet for full product instructions before use.

If you're curious about Dual-Mix™ working, set and cure times you can always find that information on the product label, on our website or in the Dual-Mix Catalog.

>> Download the Dual-Mix Catalog now


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